Announcing your engagement:
Congratulations, you're engaged! Take a deep breath and think of those who you need to CALL, FaceTime (Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Best Friend etc.) As eager as you are to immediately post the photo of you and your new Hubby to be on social media... do your du diligence and make the personal calls (you’ll thank me later). You wouldn’t want to start this new chapter in your life with your family being upset at you because of something as silly as them finding out on Facebook and not from your directly.
Be prepared for all of the questions…
How did he do it? Was it a surprise? Did you have any idea? Did you pick out the ring together? What did your mom say when you told her? Did he cry? Have you picked a date yet?
As overwhelming as it might seem, these questions are coming! Every person wants to know all of the details so be prepared for all of the questions. Have a short, simple and well rehearsed answer ready. Save something to the notes section of your phone so you avoid typing it out 50 times and don’t feel intimidated or forced to answer questions you haven’t thought of yet. Remember, the engagement is about your MARRIAGE and love for each other, not about The Big Day. Don't lose sight of that once that beautiful ring is on your hand.
Everyone and their dog has advice…
People can’t help but want to provide you with an abundance of information based on their personal experiences. They will try to recommend places to check out, people to call, vendors they swear by and a list of things you should stay totally away from. That is great! Take this with a grain of salt... Listen to what they have to say but ultimately it’s your day and you and your fiancé have the final say.