Creating your wedding vision
Stay true to what you want and avoid getting sucked in by social media
Some people have been planning their “Big Day” since they were little kids and more often than not most couples have one partner who is pretty easy going and just goes with the flow. When planning a wedding, you must keep in mind that this is a celebration of the both of you and the love you share for each other and it’s important that both parties feel like they have equally had a say. It’s very easy to get carried away with what is trending on Pinterest, or what is for sale on the local Buy and Sell but try to hold off until you and your future partner have agreed on your vision
Start with the big picture
I find the easiest way to start planning is to have a big picture vision of your wedding day and then start to plan out the individual components, it’s very easy to get distracted by the little details and that’s something you want to avoid. Falling in love with a small detail and having that as one of your “non negotiable’s” can set you up for heartbreak. Especially if those little details start to add up, you really narrow down your options and it can be challenging to overcome.
Talk to your partner and communicate what is important to each of you individually and as a couple
We decided a few years ago that when the day finally came for us to plan our wedding, it would be a destination. Therefore, when we got engaged we already knew we were on the same page with that part of the wedding planning process. We reached out to our travel agent and shared the big news. She was absolutely ecstatic and immediately mailed us a ton of destination wedding magazines.
So many ideas…How do we narrow it down?
One night, we sat in our living room and went through the wedding magazines one by one and tore the pages out that included components or ideas that we liked. Once we went through all of the magazines we put all of the pages in a pile. We went through page by page and told each other why we ripped out that certain page. We made a list of these components and although they all seemed very random, when they came together we got a vision of what types of things we both liked. It was a great conversation starter and gave both of us an opportunity to tell the other what we had envisioned or our wedding day.
Now what?
Now that you have a starting point, PINTREST AWAY! Look up what is trending, or unique relative to your brainstorming list.